Learn how toxins block our metabolism, stress packs on the pounds and how to use intermittent fasting and detoxification to...
Amazing Mocktails
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Amazing Mocktails
Have you ever found yourself looking forward to that evening glass of wine or cocktail, so you can unwind from...
Cultivate a Positive Vision for Midlife
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Cultivate a Positive Vision for Midlife
I continue to celebrate the release of my new ebook: Midlife Renewal for Women by offering a complimentary Midlife Vision Consult....
The Midlife Vision Consult
I am deeply grateful for all your positive responses to my new ebook. Thank you! If you haven’t downloaded...
Midlife Renewal For Women
Greetings on this beautiful new moon day. I am thrilled to share with you a free copy of my...
Gratitude When Times Are Tough
There are some interesting studies about the positive effects of gratitude and this article from the Harvard Medical School describes...
Middle-aged Fed-upness
“Fed-upness” is the experience of realizing that you can’t continue with business as usual although you may not yet know...
Menopause is a Bridge
You are changing, getting ready to be initiated into the third stage of your life. Are you ready for the...